Writing Process

How to Stop Overusing Adverbs to Enhance Your Story

How to Stop Overusing Adverbs to Enhance Your Story

There is an ongoing discussion amongst writers on the best practices when using adverbs in our writing. You’ve probably heard more than one writer say to not use adverbs! Even notable writers such as Stephen King have warned against overusing adverbs. Today’s blog...

How to Incorporate Relevant Flashbacks into Your Story

How to Incorporate Relevant Flashbacks into Your Story

Did you read last week’s blog post on beginning your story in the middle of the action? In that post, we talked about not wanting to bore our readers with a ton of exposition as we set up the world and characters at the beginning of the story.  We want to hook readers...

How to Start Your Story in the Middle of the Action

How to Start Your Story in the Middle of the Action

Have you ever been told to “stick with a book and it’ll get better?” Sometimes, we discover that chapter one is a little slow, but once the story starts moving it’s well worth the read.  Not all readers are willing to stick around past page one though. Our lives are...

How to Know When Your Story is Complete!

How to Know When Your Story is Complete!

As writers, we spend months stuck in our literary worlds- living, breathing, and dreaming our characters’ adventures.  You’ve probably heard more than a few people refer to their manuscripts as their babies. And you might relate to the fear of letting others read or...

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